Construction industry acronyms - P
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'P'.
For other letters click on the list below:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] P
2PV - Two-port control valve
3PV - Three-port control valve
4PV - Four-port control valve
P - Post
P & I - Piping and Instrumentation
P(VdF-HFP) - Poly(vinylidene difluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene)
P/A - Presence/Absence
P2P - Procure to Pay
Pa - Pascal (S.I. Unit of Pressure)
PA - Planning Authority
PA - Polyamide (nylon) (electrical fittings, washers, ropes)
PAC - Procurement Assessment Criteria
PACE - Project Acceleration in a Controlled Environment
PACE - Property Advisers to the Civil Estate (no longer in existence)
PADHI - Planning Advice For Developments Near Hazardous Installations
PADP - Project Supervisor Design Portion
PAH - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
PAH - Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons
PAN - Planning Advice Note
PAO - Procurement Assessment Options
PAR - Planning Application Requirements
PAR - Polished All-Round
PARL - Percentage Asset Remaining Life
PAS - Publicly Available Specification
PAS 1192-2 - Publicly Available Specification: Specification for information management for the capital/delivery phase of construction projects using building information modelling.
PAS 91 - Publicly Available Specification: Construction prequalification questionnaires
PAT - Portable Appliance Testing
PAVA - Public Address & Voice Alarm system
PAWS - Plantation On Ancient Woodland Site
PAWS - Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites
PB - Payback
PB - Polybutalene
PBA - Project Bank Account
PBB - Polybrominated Biphenyl
PBS - Product Breakdown Structure
PBSA - Purpose-Built Student Accommodation
PC - Parish Council
PC - Passenger Car
PC - Personal Computer
PC - Polycarbonate
PC - Portland Cement
PC - Practical Completion
PC - Precast Concrete
PC - Prime Cost
PC - Principal Contractor.
PC - Process control
PC - Pull Chain
PCA - Pre-Construction Agreement
PCA - Public Contractors Association
PCAH - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
PCB - Polychlorinated Biphenyl
PCB - Polychlorinated Biphenyls
PCB - Printed Circuit Boards
PCBs - Polychlorinated Biphenylenes
PC - Principal Contractor
PCC - Parochial Church Council
PCC - Portland Cement Concrete
PCC - Professional Conduct Committee
PCC - Professional Consultants Certificate
PCC - Principal Contractor Competency
PCCC - Principal Contractor Competency Certification
PCCCS - Principal Contractor Competency Certification Scheme
PCDB - Product Characteristics Database
PCE - Project Cost Estimate
PCF - Product Carbon Footprint
PCF - Project Control Framework
PCG - Parent Company Guarantee
PCI - Pre-Construction Information
PCM - Phase Change Material
PCM - Project Controls Manager
PCN - Personnel Certification for Non-destructive Testing
PCO - Photocatalytic oxidation
PCP - Precast Concrete Pad
PCP - Precast Concrete Pavement
PCP - Precast Concrete Product
PCP - Provision, Criterion or Practice
PCR - Product Category Rules
PCR - Public Contracts Regulations
PCSA - Pre-Construction Services Agreement / Pre-Contract Services Agreement
PCSR - Pre-Construction Safety Report
Pct - Polychlorinated Triphenyls
PCT - Pre-Cast Construction Technology
PCT - Pre-Completion Testing
PCU - Passenger Car Unit
PCZ - Preferred Conservation Zone
PD - (BSI) Published Document
PD - Principal Designer
PDCA - Plan, Do, Check, Act
PDF - Portable Document Format
PDF - Probability Density Function
PDFH - Passenger Demand Forecasting Handbook
P-DfMA - Platform Approach to Design for Manufacture and Assembly
PDH - Principal duty holder
PDL - Previously Developed Land
PDLC - Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal
PDM - Post Development Model
PDM - Precedence Diagram Method.
PDO - Permitted Development Order
PDP - Personal Development Planning
PDPAC - Practice Direction Pre-Action Conduct
PDR - Permitted Development Rights
PDR - Product Design Specification
PDS - Personnel Distancing Systems
PDS - Private Developer Scheme
PDS - Product Data Sheet
PDS - Project Definition Statement
PDT - Product Data Template
PE - Photo-Electric
PE - Polyethylene
PE - Primary Energy
PEA - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
PEA - Predicted Energy Assessment
PEDL - Petroleum Exploration And Development Licence
PEDR - Professional Experience and Development Record
PEEP - Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan
PEFC - Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification
PEMD - Power Electronics, Machines and Drives
PEMS - Predictive Emissions Monitoring System
PEP - Project Execution Plan
PER - Primary Energy Renewable
PE-RT - Polyethylene Raised Temperature
PERT - Programme Evaluation and Review Technique
PES - Programmable Electronic Systems
PEST - Political, Economic, Social, Technological
PESTLE - Political, Environmental, Social, Technological, Legal, Economic
PET - Polyethylene Terephthalate
PF - Phenol-formaldehyde (Bakelite)
PF - Picket Fence
PF2 - Private Finance Initiative version 2
PFA - Pulverised Fuel Ash
PFI - Private Finance Initiative
PFM - PLANET Framework Model (also referred to as PLANET)
PFMEA - Process Failure Mode Effects Analysis
PFP - Passive Fire Protection
PFR - Property Flood Resilience
PFRA - Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment
PFT - Pre-Functional Test
PGI - Protected Geographical Indication
PGO - Planning Gateway One
PHD - Product Health Declaration
PHE - Progressive Horizontal Evacuation
PHE - Public Health England
PHEV - Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
PHI - Passive House Institute
PHO - Public Health officer
PHPP - Passive House Planning Package
PHPP - Passivhaus Planning Package
PHSA - Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990
PI - Principal Inspector
PIA - personal injury accident
PIA - Proprietary Information Agreement
PICG - Project investment control group
PICV - Pressure Independent Control Valves
PII - Professional Indemnity Insurance
PIL - Preferred Industrial Location
PILON - Pay in lieu of notice
PIM - Package Interface Matrix
PIM - Product Information Management
PIM - Project Information Model
PIMP - percentage impermeability
PIN - Pre Information Notice
PIN - Prior Information Notice
PIN - Publication Information Notice
PINS - Planning Inspectorate
PIP - Project Implementation Plan
PIR - Polyisocyanurate
PIR - Premises Information Box
PIT - Partners in Technology
PIU - Pending Issuance Unit
PIX - Project Information eXchange
PKT - Passenger Kilometre Travelled
PL - Peak Load
PL - Plain Line
PLA - Polylactide / Poly(lactic acid)
PLA - Port of London Authority
PLA - Property Litigation Association.
PLANET - (also referred to as PFM) Planning network transport forecast model
PLBE - Principal Load Bearing Element
PLC - Public Limited Company
PLCS - Product Life Cycle Support
PLD - Planet Long Distance
PLDV - Passenger Light-Duty Vehicle
PLM - Persons With Limited Mobility
PLM - Product Lifecycle Management
PLPR - Plain Line Pattern Recognition
PLQ - Plain Language Questions
PLUMB - Plumbing
PLYD - Plywood
PM - Planet Midlands
PM - Project manager
PM10 - particulate matter (with aerodynamic diameter of less than 10)
PM2.5 - particulate matter (with aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5)
PMA - Paintmakers Association (of Great Britain)
PMA - Private Means Of Access
PMBOK - Project Management Body of Knowledge
PMI - Purchasing Managers Index
PMMA - Poly(methyl methacrylate) See Acrylic
PMO - Programme / Project Management Office
PMO - Project Management Office.
PMP - Planned Maintenance Programme.
PMP - Project Management Plan.
PMV - Predicted Mean Vote
PMV - Pre-Manufactured Value
PN - Planet North
PN - Prohibition Notice
PNG - Portable Network Graphics
PNT - Paint/Painted
PO - Private office
PO - Purchase Order
POA - Price on Application
PoaP - Policy on a Page
PoC - Point of Contraflexure
PoE - Point of Entry
POE - Post Occupancy Evaluation
POE - Power Over Ethernet.
POG - Planning Oversight Group
POMI - Principles of Measurement (International)
POPE - Post Opening Project Evaluation
PORV - Power-Operated Relief Valve
POS - Planning Officers Society
POS - Public Open Space
POT - Peak Over A Threshold
PoW - Plan of Work
PoWs - Places of Worship
PP - People Productivity
pp - Percentage Point
PP - Planning Package
PP - Polypropylene
PP - Product Platform
PPA - Planning Performance Agreement
PPA - Power Purchase Agreement
PPAP - Production Part Approval Process
PPC - Permanent Painted Coatings
PPC - Pollution Prevention and Control
PPC - Polyester Powder-Coated
PPC - Portland Puzzolana Cement
PPC - Post Practical Completion
PPC - Project Partnering Contract
PPC 2000 - Standard Form of Contract for Project Partnering
PPD - Percentage People Dissatisfied
PPE - Personal Protective Equipment
PPG - Planning Policy Guidance
PPG - Pollution Prevention Guidelines
PPGN - Planning Guidance On Noise
PPK - Post processed kinematic
PPLV - Positively Pressurised Ventilated Lobby
Ppm - Parts Per Million
PPM - Planned Preventative Maintenance
PPM - Public Performance Measure
PPM - Pump Performance Monitoring (sheets)
PPN - Procurement policy note.
PPP - Public Private Partnership
PPPP/4Ps - Public-Private Partnership Programme
PPS - Package Procurement Schedule
PPS - Planning Policy Statement
PPRS - Public Procurement Review Service
PPV - Peak Particle Velocity
PPW - Planning Policy Wales
PQ - Parliamentary Question
PQP - Project Quality Plan
PQPSP - Project Quality Plan for Small Projects
PQQ - Pre-Qualification Questionnaire
PQS - Professional Quantity Surveyor
PR - Plot Ratio
PR - Proposed Plan
PRA - Paint Research Association
PRU - Procurement Review Unit
PRA - Preliminary Risk Assessment
PRA - Probabilistic Risk Analysis / Assessment
PRE - Pitting Resistance Equivalent
PREP - Personal Rescue Emergency Plan
PRIME - Private sector Resource Initiative for the Management of the Estate
PRINCE - PRojects IN Controlled Environments
PRISM - Policy Responsive Integrated Strategy Model
PRM - Person with Reduced Mobility
PRN - Primary Route Network
PROBE - Post Occupancy Review of Buildings and their Engineering
PROPWET - Index Of Proportion Of Time That Soils Are Wet
PRoW - Public Right Of Way
PRP - Private Registered Provider
PRR - Production Readiness Review
PRS - Pressure Reduction System
PRS - Private Rented Sector
PRS Regulations - Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015
PRS MEES - Private Rented Sector Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard
PRS - Property Repayment Scheme
PRU - Pupil Referral Unit
PRU - Procurement Review Unit
PRV - Pressure Reducing Valve
PRV - Pressure Relief Valve
PS - Planet South
PS - Planning Supervisor
PS - Polystyrene
PS - Project Sponsor
PS - Provisional Sum
PSA - Public Service Agreements
PSBP - Priority School Building Programme
PSBP2 - Priority School Building Programme - phase 2
PSBR - Public Sector Borrowing Requirement
PSDS - Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme
PSC - Personal Services Company
PSC - Population Size Class
PSC - Professional Services Contract
PSC - Public Sector Comparator
PSCP - Public Sector Partnering Contract
PSCRF - Private Sector ACM Cladding Remediation Fund
PSCS - Project Supervisor Construction Stage
PSD - particle size distribution
PSDP - Project Supervisor Design Process
PSDS - Product Safety Data Sheet
PSE - Power Supply Equipment
PSED - Public Sector Equality Duty
PSF - Professional Service Firm
PSG - Project Steering Group
Psi - Pounds Per Square Inch
PSI - proportion of sediment-sensitive invertebrates
PSL - Parallel Strand Lumber
PSNCR - Public Sector Net Cash Requirement
PSP - Post/Shoring/Polyethylene
pSPA - potential Special Protection Area
PSRA - Public Safety Risk Assessment
PSS - Public Sector Scheme.
PSTN - Public switched telephone network
PSU - Power Supply Unit
PSV - Passive Stack Ventilation
PSW - Part Submission Warrant / Product Submission Warrant
PSYM - Predictive System For Multimetrics
PT - Paper towel Dispenser
PT - Pressure Treated
PTAC - Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner
PTAL - Public Transport Accessibility Level
PTD - Product Transparency Declaration
PTE - Pre-Tender Estimate
PTF - Perfluorocarbon Tracer Gas
PTF - Printed Electronics, including Polymer Thick Film Circuits
PTFE - Polytetrafluoroethylene
PTFE - Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon)
PTM - Patch To Match
PTM - Project Team Meeting
PTNB - Plan Transition Numérique dans le Bâtiment
PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTW - Permit To Work
PTZ - Pan, tilt, zoom (CCTV camera)
PU - Polyurethane
PU - Public Utility
PUC - Pre-fabricated Utility Cupboard
PUE - Power Usage Effectiveness
PUF - Polyurethane Foam
PUI - Peri-Urban Interface
PUK - Partnerships UK
PUR - Polyurethane
PUWER - Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
PV - Photovoltaic
PV - Present Value
PVA - Polyvinyl Acetate
PVB - Polyvinyl Butyral
PVB - Present Value Of Benefits
PVC - Present Value Of Costs
PVC-U - Unplasticated Polyvinyl Chloride
PVF - Polyvinyl Fluoride
PVR - Project Validation Review
PVS - Primary Vent Stack
PVT - Combined Photovoltaic and solar Thermal
PW - Party Wall
PWD - Permanent Works Designer
PWR - Pressurised Water Reactor
PWS - Public Water Supply
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[edit] Who is this wiki for?
The articles contain information on implementing circular economy approaches in construction that could be relevant to:
- Architects
- Construction contractors
- Designers
- Developers, owners, investors
- Engineers
- Landowners
- Manufacturers and supplier
- Universities and research
- Urban planners
[edit] About CIRCuIT
The Circular Economy wiki is supported by the Circular Construction in Regenerative Cities (CIRCuIT) project, which is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. CIRCuIT is a collaborative project involving 31 ambitious partners across the entire built environment chain in Copenhagen, Hamburg, Helsinki Region and Greater London. Through a series of demonstrations, case studies, events and dissemination activities, the project will showcase how circular construction practices can be scaled and replicated across Europe to enable sustainable building in cities and the transition to a circular economy on a wider scale.